Free Ultra Video Editor is a program that combines the functions of converting video files into different formats and editing video files to cut them into smaller pieces. The program supports converting video files from MPEG-1, MPEG2, ASF, WMV and AVI into AVI, MPEG and WMV files. It also allows converting multiple video files at once into any of the supported output formats.
The program boasts have a very easy-to-use, concise and intuitive graphical interface that allows any type of user to work with it. However, it supports only two languages (English and Arabic).
By clicking on any of the output formats, you will be able to view the output settings for each format and to adjust them before getting your files converted or cut. Video framerate, video bitrates, audio channels and audio bitrates can all be modified.
To cut your files, just select the beginning and the ending points of the video file and then hit the cut button. The program will automatically select an output directory (which can be changed) and save the files there.
The program will fulfill your conversion needs if you're looking to convert your files among the mentioned supported formats. Plus, it is completely free.
Comments (1)
The installer doesn't just install a freeware video editor/converter. It also installs on the user's computer what is, for all intents and purposes, a Trojan Horse that monitors and transmits back to its creator information about which Web sites you visit, activity on each and every Web site, personal data, and who knows what else. I don't know about others, but I do my banking online, too; and the last thing I want on my machine is a program that records and transmits to persons unknown my log-in information for my bank account, utility account, phone service account, and every other business transaction that I make online.
Freeware is FREEware. If it collects personal data and transmits it to people and destinations unknown, then it is MALware and SPYware, not FREEware. Free Ultra Video Editor fits all those categories and should be considered to be a Trojan Horse by definition.